Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Cried

[This is a post taken from my own personal blog]

I really did cry tears if joy this morning. I am listening to Obama's speech as I type this and I am just choked up. History has been made tonight. The reality of this is hitting me as I look at my kids and pray that this man can begin the healing this country needs. We as a country have been devastated by our own hand and by natural disaster. With out vote many of us have laid the hope for a better future in his hand.

As happy as I am I still wonder what this will me for blacks in general. Will this be the excuse people will try to use to cover up the racism that still exist. Will the old black guard be able to give up the nonsense and support a man this man who is not catering to their agenda. How will this affect me and my kids down the road.

I really don't have any answers. What I do have today is hope. I hope I did not realize had been slipping away till it returned at about 11PM November 4Th. It is now about 5AM November 5Th and I have to get ready for work. Life keeps going as it always will. But today I have a little more hope in my heart. I honestly believe there is a man in the White House with the best interest of America at heart.

And yes there is a little doubt and fear. He still has to make it through 4 years of men and woman who know nothing but politics and have forgotten what they are suppose to really represent. But even that can not destroy the new glimmer of hope that Obama has created in my heart. The future looks brighter if not for me than for my sleeping angels.

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