Tuesday, August 18, 2009

PETA Insults The BBW Community

A recent billboard campaign lauched in Jacksonville, FL by PETA depicts a plus size woman in a bikini with the slogan Save The Whales written in large letters and in smaller red print is written Lose The Blubber. Go Vegetarian. Yes folks this is not a joke. Here is a link to one of the articles I read on this particular billboard.

PETA's New "Save The Whales" Billboard Takes Aim At Fat Women
This link is to the article written in the Huffington Post.

In PETA's press release regarding this campaign they state

"A new PETA billboard campaign that was just launched in Jacksonville reminds people who are struggling to lose weight — and who want to have enough energy to chase a beach ball — that going vegetarian can be an effective way to shed those extra pounds that keep them from looking good in a bikini."

Are they actually serious. Do they really believe that insulting someone struggling with their weight issues is an effective motivator. Do they honestly belive that insulting people that are potential supports (big people like animals too) is an effective way of promoting their cause.

PETA is famous for campaigns that insult various groups in their efforts to fight for animal rights. They cater to the lowest of the low in an effort to get their point across. Well the only point being made with this campaign in my opinion is PETA has no love for the plus size community. What do you think. I sit here with my chicken wrap awaiting your opinion.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Dance Your Ass Off - I Just Don't Know

I just saw an episode of Dance Your Ass Off today and I really don't know what to think. For anyone that has not seen the show here is a clip to give you a taste of what the show is about. (This is not the episode I watched just a clip I happen to like.)

I am really torn. I actually like the concept. Combining the fun and activity of dancing with the weight loss process and then adding competition as a motivator will definitely bring in both contestants and audience. My problem is have we gone too far. I clearly admit I am not a reality show fan. My life has enough reality without watching someones hot mess on a TV screen. But in an effort to be objective I watched the episode and even got caught up in the competition. But when it was all over I still had to ask is it too much. I guess if it works for those involved so I will not knock it but I am just wondering if we have gone crazy with reality TV in general. Have we become so jaded that watching other people's issues is the only thing that entertains us. Have we forgotten that if these some individuals were looking for acting roles they would have a hard time finding a role that was not meant for the fat friend. I just don't know anymore.