Monday, March 10, 2008

Categories of BBW Admirers

In my years of interaction with the BBW community both online and off I have found that most BBW Admirers can be placed into certain categories. Below I have listed these categories in a way to make the guy brother easy to spot once you know a little about him. Many BBW Admirers will fit into multiple categories and as always people change so their category may change as well. And please do not use this list as your BBW Admires bible. It is just a list I have created based on my observations. don't let this list keep you from getting to know someone. This post was meant to make to smile and make you think so have fun and let me know what you think.

Categories of BBW Admirers

  1. The DL BBW Admirer- The DL BBW Admirer will love you to death as long as he does not have to do it in public. In private he is the perfect man; loving, giving and affectionate. But he will treat you like his sister, that is assuming you actually leave the house. He will always have an excuse not be scene in public. He will never introduce his BBW to his friends and family and he will avoid meeting hers. He will never take the risk of anyone he knows finding out he actually likes big girls.
  2. The Ugly & Desperate BBW Admirer - Ugly is just such a harsh word but let's face facts there are ugly people. And yes ugly is a relative term but there are those individuals that just pretty much define the term for most people. Now the Ugly & Desperate BBW Admirer suffers from low self-esteem. He will seek out BBW women believing the myth that she is desperate and lonely because of her size and will ignore the ugly.
  3. The All BBWS Are Easy Admirer - The All BBWS Are Easy Admirer is a predator. He targets big women for sex and whatever else he can get out of them. When the girl becomes too close he will pull away but he will try to stay connected because she is a source for sex, money and any number of things. He will pray on those so desperate to have a man they will ignore his disrespect.
  4. The All About The Big Girl BBW Admirer - The All About The Big Girl BBW Admirer dates big girls exclusively. But this does not mean he will date every big girl. Every All About The Big Girl BBW Lover is different. Many seek a certain body type, weight, or specific characteristics that are often found in BBW women. Some just seek out big girls no matter the size.
  5. The Super Sized BBW Admirer - The SSBBW Admirer is an All About The Big Girl BBW Admirer who prefers the really big BBWS. In many cases the bigger the better.
  6. The Thick Girl Admirer - The Thick Girl Admirer is an All About The Big Girl BBW Admirer with a preference for BBWS on the smaller side of scale. These fellas usually look for thick hips and thighs but in general she will be from a size 14 - 18 and very curvy.
  7. The Big Handsome Man BBW Admirer- The BHM BBW Admirer is the big guy who loves a big girl.
  8. The Lover of Women - The Lover of women enjoys all women big and small. He is a rare bred. I have only met a few in my 33 years on this planet.

Well that is pretty much it. If you can think of a category that I left out or just want to comment on my observations please feel free to make it happen.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Welcome One And All

Welcome one and all to the Sexy Ebony BBWS 4 Blkmen Blog. This blog is relatively new but we hope to soon have some great content and discussion for those in the bloggersphere. If you have topics you are interested in seeing discuss or want to contribute to the blog please let us know by commenting or sending us a message directly. In the meantime be patient. We are still in the process of making things happen.